Guille peguero @en

CREAF, new member of the Society for Ecological Restoration

Since mid-2020 CREAF has been a member of the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER), a global association of research, professionals and community leaders from Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, New Zealand and North and South America, which is actively involved in the ecological recovery of degraded ecosystems, using a wide range of experience and knowledge.

Angela ribas @en Ecotoxicology Guille peguero @en Josep m espelta @en Josep peñuelas @en Nutrient cycles Pilar andrés @en Restoration of degraded land Santi sabater @en Society for ecological restoration @en Soil ecology Soil function and restoration Soil quality Vicenç carabassa @en Xavier domene @en

The loss of predators can reduce the diversity of prey

A study by CREAF and the Smithsonian Institute for Tropical Research shows that when the populations of large and mid-sized vertebrate animal are reduced, a phenomenon known as “defaunation,” this has negative repercussions for the rest of the ecosystem. This is a clear sign about the vulnerability of ecosystems to global biodiversity loss.

Agouti Attalea Biodiversity loss Dasyprocta @en Defaunation Food web Guille peguero @en Pachymerus Palm dates Panama Predators Rainforest Rodents Smithsonian @en Speciomerus Stri @en Weevils Wur @en