
Expedition begins to chart the invisible biodiversity of Pyrenean lakes

The Pyrenees region is experiencing a warming rate higher than the global average, making it a critical observatory for the impacts of climate change. Researchers from Spain, Andorra and France have begun efforts to chart the biodiversity of microorganisms living under the surface of 300 different lakes across the Pyrenees. The initiative will shed light on how invisible communities maintain the health of these unique and fragile ecosystems, helping the region prepare and adapt for the long-term impacts of climate change.

Aigua Biodiversitat Biodiversity Climate change Expedició Expedition Global change Lakes Pirineus Pyrenees Water

Mountain birds in decline in Europe

CREAF and ICO (Catalan Ornithological Institute) researchers Sergi Herrando and Lluís Brotons have participated in a study that shows populations of birds described as mountain specialists to have fallen by 10% in a decade in Europe. The situation is even more alarming in the Pyrenees and elsewhere in the Iberian Peninsula, where mountain bird populations fell by 21%.

Biodiversity Birds Climate change Ecosystem services Habitat loss Ipbes @en Lluis brotons @en Mountains Population dynamics Pyrenees Sergi herrando @en

Despite low genetic diversity, the reintroduction of marmots in the Pyrenees is a total success

A study in which CREAF participates has revealed that marmots reintroduced in the Pyrenees have very low genetic variability because they come from only two alpine areas and have not mixed. Surprisingly, this low genetic diversity has not proved to be an impediment in reintroduction, which has turned out to be a total success.

Alps @en Bernat claramunt @en Conservation genetics @en Genetics Irene figueroa @en Mariona ferrandiz rovira @en Marmots Pyrenees Reintroduction

Changes in traditional livestock farming in the Pyrenees have led to forest expansion

This finding is described in an article including CREAF researchers and coauthors Aitor Ameztegui and Lluís Brotons. The study addresses how the superior limit of forest cover in the Pyrenees has changed over 50 years. According to the study, the tree line has advanced upward an average of 40 meters, one of the main causes of this being decreasing pressures from livestock. Contrary to common thinking to date, climate change may play a much lesser role than previously thought.

Agriculture Global change Land use change Livestock Mountain Open habitats Pyrenees Rise Temperatures @en