Marie curie @en

Nitrogen available to plants in decline

According to an article published in Nature Ecology & Evolution, the authors of which include CREAF postdoctoral researchers Sara Marañón and Rossella Guerrieri (Marie Sklodowska Curie grant holders), the concentration of nitrogen in plant leaves has been in general decline throughout the world for the last 40 years.

Diagrass Geu @en Isotopes Marie curie @en Nitrogen @en Rossella guerrieri @en Sara marañón @en Stoica

Forest management in Europe will not stop global warming

Aude Valade, CREAF researcher, and the international team behind the study published in Nature recommends that forests be managed with a view to preserving the ecological, social and cultural ecosystem services they provide, rather than to cooling the planet as envisaged in the Paris Agreement.

Aude valade @en Forest ecology Forest management Forests Geu @en M-trait @en Marie curie @en Models @en Sustainability

CREAF receives the 'HR Excellence in Research' award from the European Commission

CREAF has elaborated a Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), incorporating the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers promoted by the European Commission (EC). 

European commission Hrs4r @en Human resources International Marie curie @en

Dr. Pilar Andrés wins a Marie Curie IOF grant to study soil ecology

The researcher Pilar Andrés will depart for two years to the USA, to Colorado to study the soil ecology of the Great Plains. Specifically, the project that she presented aims to improve the models that explain the decomposition of organic matter in the soil and contribute to the improvement of models of the carbon and nitrogen cycles.

Biogeochemical cycles International Marie curie @en Models @en Nutrient cycle Pilar andrés @en Sink