Adaptations forests

Mathematics in the fight against forest drought

A study by CTFC and CREAF scientists has led to the development of a mathematical model which predicts drought stress in forests. The research shows that forest drought stress depends on climatic conditions as well as vegetation and soil characteristics. 

Adaptations forests Ctfc @en Drought Forest management Forests Jordi martínez vilalta @en Lluis brotons @en Lluis coll @en Mathematics Miquel de caceres @en Mitigation Modeling Rafael poyatos @en Stress Water balance

MENFRI brings together experts to cooperate towards a profitable and sustainable use of forests in the Mediterranean

On May 26th 2014, experts from different countries and background (industry, policymaking, science, NGOs, etc) gathered in Morocco in the framework of the project “Mediterranean Network of Forestry Research and Innovation” (MENFRI) to assess the forestry sector organization and development opportunities in Mediterranean countries.

Adaptations forests Climate change Droughts Enrique doblas @en Forest management Global change Innovation International Mediterranean Menfri @en