Ramon margalef @en

Nunc incrementa lente exeunt, festinatur in damnum

For Ramon Margalef, in the centenary of his birth.

Why do not we find ecosystems in the atmosphere, as in oceans and continents? In the atmosphere, spores, pollen grains and micro-organisms float, most of them expelled from soils. But trophic networks are not established, nor are there large flows of energy and matter controlled by living beings.

Disturbances Ecology Margalef @en Paco lloret @en Ramon margalef @en Succession

Natural communities

When I studied the subject of ecology at the University of Barcelona, about the years 1964-65 (fifty years ago!), Margalef was our teacher. Even though he was still not a university professor but the director of the Fisheries Research Institute of the CSIC (now Institute of Marine Sciences) where he concentrated his research. The ecology classes were at the building of the University Square, the practices at the Institute. There was by then only a book on ecology, by G.L.

Coexistence Communities Competence Ecology Jaume terradas @en Populations Ramon margalef @en