
Some plants do not reproduce every year because of nutrient scarcity

A study involving three CREAF researchers has found that plants with low nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in their leaves do not reproduce every year to enable them to reproduce on a huge scale in years in which conditions are right. Oaks, holm oaks and beeches are examples of trees that behave in such a way.

Climate Edm@en Forests Fruit Geu @en Jordi sardans @en Josep peñuelas @en Marcos fernandez-martinez @en Mediterranean Nutrients @en Phenology Phosphorus Precipitations Reproduction Seed

Female marmots “cheat on” their male partners

For marmots, infidelity is a way for dominant females to promote genetic diversity and increase the chances of survival of their young. When the dominant partner is genetically very similar, the female opts to reproduce with other males. This behavior could help create a more diverse genetic line and genetics that are better able to respond to parasites.

Alps @en Animal behavior Earthwatch pirineu @en Earthwatch pirineu ii @en Ecology and evolution @en Mariona ferrandiz rovira @en Marmots Mate choice Reproduction