01/12/2014 Notícia

Celebrations MiraMon 20 years


This 2014, MiraMon, the GIS and remote sensing software developed by the CREAF and the UAB, celebrates the twentieth anniversary of its creation.

MiraMon 20 years
MiraMon 20 years
“Closer to the geoinformation 1994-2014”

This 2014, MiraMon, the GIS and remote sensing software developed by the CREAF and the UAB, celebrates the twentieth anniversary of its creation. Twenty years of life, of maps, of code, of courses, of cartography, of remote sensing imagery, etc. During these 20 years, thousands of users in dozens of countries have trusted and used the MiraMon in their professional and personal activities, generating ideas, products and results of great interest and importance in various fields. Currently the MiraMon continues to progress in the fields of science, education and environmental management in which it originated, as well as in metadata, standardization and advanced computational methods, in order to give access to the best geoinformation for research, management and knowledge of the territory.


Technical Seminar
Sala d’actes of the ICGC (Parc de Montjuïc, BCN)

9,30h Opening
Mr. Jaume Miranda (ICGC)
Mr. Enric Rodellas (ACTIG)
10:00 Experiences with MiraMon, by speakers from various institutions
MiraMon in teaching
MiraMon in research
11.30 Coffee break
12:00 Experiences with MiraMon, by speakers from various institutions
MiraMon in management and admi nistration
13:00 The new MiraMon: a look at version 8
13:30 Closing

Technical seminar registration http://bit.ly/1CkfK6t

Official celebration event
Sala Cotxeres of the Palau Robert (Pg Gràcia 107, BCN)

18:30 Opening
Dr. Josep Enric Llebot (DTES)
Dr. Javier Retana (CREAF)
Dra. Pilar Dellunde (UAB)
Dr. Antoni Trasobares (D.G. Medi Natural i Biodiversitat)
Dr. Lluís Jofre (D.G. Universitats)
Conference MiraMon 20 years: New horizons
Dr. Xavier Pons (UAB)
Glass of champagne and piscolabis

Official celebration registration   http://bit.ly/1CkfjZZ

contacte@miramon.uab.cat II  http://www.creaf.uab.cat/miramon

Organize: CREAF


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