15/05/2019 Notícia

e-shape: a new project which aims at strengthening the benefits for Europe of GEOSS


Participation of CREAF will be in the showcase about Ecology with a certain continuity of the EcoPotential activities.

e-shape logo
e-shape logo

e-shape (EuroGEOSS Showcases: Applications Powered by Europe), a new project coordinated by ARMINES and funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme was successfully launched in Cannes, France on 9-10 May 2019. The first general assembly meeting gathered more than 100 delegates of the 54 consortium members from 17 European countries, Ethiopia, Egypt and Israel.
e-shape is an unprecedented initiative that brings together decades of public investment in earth observation and in cloud capabilities into services to the citizens, the industry, the decision-makers and the researchers. e-shape will promote the development and uptake of 27 cloud-based pilot applications, addressing the Sustainable Development Goals, The Paris Agreement and the Sendaï Framework. The pilots will build on GEOSSand on the Copernicus data pool and computational infrastructure. The e-shape pilots will provide concrete, actionable services regarding food security and sustainable agriculture, health surveillance (pollutants), renewable energy, ecosystem monitoring, water resources management, disasters resilience and climate monitoring.

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