Senior researcher

Anselm Rodrigo Domínguez

PhD in Biology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB, 1998). I am researcher at CREAF and Senior Lecturer at Ecology Unit of UAB, where I was the coordinator of the graduate on Environmental Biology during its implantation. 

PhD in Biology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB, 1998). I am researcher at CREAF and Senior Lecturer at Ecology Unit of UAB, where I was the coordinator of the graduate on Environmental Biology during its implantation. 

I have focused my research on the study of the effects of fire on composition and structure of plant and insects communities. My research aims at improving our understanding of the role of vital traits of plants and insects in the post-fire recover of Mediterranean communities at regional scale. I also am interested in the study of pollinators-plant interactions with the objective to understand the structure of pollination networks and the effects on the pollination function in natural and agroforestry systems.

I have co-advised five doctoral theses and I am currently co-advising three PhD students.

Ha participat en:

Projecte / Iniciativa
Contractes i convenis

Els pol·linitzadors silvestres a Catalunya : Informe sobre estatus, amenaces i àmbits prioritaris d'actuació per a la seva conservació

Dinàmica forestal i incendis
Research group

Forest dynamics and wildfires

Project / Initiative

Regenerative Agriculture as a way to advance towards food sovereignty and the fight against climate change, biodiversity loss and rural abandonment

Últimes publicacions:

2023 | Journal Article

Pol, Rodrigo G.; Lázaro-González, Alba; Rodrigo, Anselm; Arnan, Xavier

Similar seed preferences explain trophic ecology of functionally distinct, but co-occurring and closely related harvester ants. 407-420

2023 | Journal Article

Jaumejoan, X.; Arnan, X.; Hagenbucher, S.; Rodrigo, A.; Sédivy, C.; Bosch, J.

Different effects of local and landscape context on pollen foraging decisions by two managed orchard pollinators, Osmia cornuta and Bombus terrestris. -

2023 | Journal Article

Azpiazu, C.;Hinarejos, S.;Sancho, G.;Albacete, S.;Sgolastra, Fabio;Martins, H.;Domene Casadesús, Xavier;Benrezkallah, J.;Rodrigo Dominguez, Anselm;Bosch, J.

(ca) - Description and validation of an improved method to feed solitary bees (Osmia spp.) known amounts of pesticides,(en) - Description and validation of an improved method to feed solitary bees (Osmia spp.) known amounts of pesticides,Description and validation of an improved method to feed solitary bees (Osmia spp.) known amounts of pesticides. -

2023 | Journal Article

Rodrigo Dominguez, Anselm;Albacete, Sergio;Sancho, Gonzalo;Azpiazu, Celeste;Molowny-Horas, Roberto;Sgolastra, Fabio;Bosch, Jordi

(en) - Bees exposed to climate change are more sensitive to pesticides,(ca) - Bees exposed to climate change are more sensitive to pesticides,Bees exposed to climate change are more sensitive to pesticides. 6248-6260