
Estela Romero

Ecologist broadly interested in the impact of human activities on organisms and processes in aquatic environments. She  studied Environmental Sciences, then moved to Marine Ecology for her PhD. She…

Ecologist broadly interested in the impact of human activities on organisms and processes in aquatic environments. She  studied Environmental Sciences, then moved to Marine Ecology for her PhD. She has worked in research institutions in Spain, the United Kingdom and France, and on projects concerning terrestrial, marine and freshwater issues.

The global dimension of the biogeochemical cycles and their unique role in linking terrestrial and marine systems has become the main focus of her current research work. In particular, she is addressing the question of how global challenges related to water and food security will affect the biogeochemical fluxes of nitrogen and phosphorus along the aquatic continuum and the impacts this may have on freshwater and marine communities.

Has participated in:

Project / Initiative
European Union Projects

Innovative solutions to prevent, reduce and remediate nutrient pollution along the land-river-sea system in the Mediterranean basin

Project / Initiative
National projects

Elemental composition of bryophytes to investigate competition and land plant colonisation

Project / Initiative
Contracts and agreements

Long-term monitoring of Catalan spring ecosystems

Últimes publicacions:

2022 | Journal Article

Romero, E.; Garnier, J.; Billen, G.; Ramarson, A.; Riou, P.; Le Gendre, R.

Assessing the water quality of the Seine land-to-sea continuum for three agro-food system scenarios. 1010887-

2022 | Journal Article

Ibáñez, Carles; Caiola, Nuno; Barquín, José; Belmar, Oscar; Benito-Granell, Xavier; Casals, Frederic; Fennessy, Siobhan; Hughes, Jocelyne; Palmer, Margaret; Peñuelas, Josep; Romero, Estela; Sardans, Jordi; Williams, Michael

Ecosystem-level effects of re-oligotrophication and N:P imbalances in rivers and estuaries on a global scale. 1248-1266

2021 | Journal Article

Estela Romero; Wolfgang Ludwig; Mahrez Sadaoui; Luis Lassaletta; Lex Bouwman; Arthur H.W. Beusen; Dirk van Apeldoorn; Jordi Sardans; Ivan A. Janssens; Philippe Ciais; Michael Obersteiner; Josep Peñuelas

The Mediterranean Region as a Paradigm of the Global Decoupling of N and P Between Soils and Freshwaters. -

2021 | Journal Article

Jin, Qiang; Peñuelas, Josep; Sardans, Jordi; Romero, Estela; Chen, Sicong; Liu, Xuyang; Lin, Shaoying; Wang, Weiqi

Changes in soil carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus contents, storages, and stoichiometry during land degradation in jasmine croplands in subtropical China,(en) - Changes in soil carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus contents, storages, and stoichiometry during land degradation in jasmine croplands in subtropical China. 113-125