Senior researcher

Javier Retana Alumbreros

I am Professor of Ecology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and researcher at CREAF, an institution of which I was director from 2005 to 2019. My research is focused on forest dynamics and the effects of disturbances, in particular fire, on animal and plant communities and ecosystem services, including carbon and water.

I am Professor of Ecology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and researcher at CREAF, an institution of which I was director from 2005 to 2019. My research is focused on forest dynamics and the effects of disturbances, in particular fire, on animal and plant communities and ecosystem services, including carbon and water. At the CREAF I supervise a research group on “Dynamics of forest ecosystems and fire ecology”, which has been recognized as a Group of Excellence by the Autonomous Government of Catalonia. I have published more than 250 papers, more than 160 of them in international scientific SCI journals. I have received five research awards (“tramos de investigación”).

I have been the principal researcher on several national research projects, being especially relevant the project MONTES, a large project included in the research program CONSOLIDER to study the effects of global change on Spanish woodlands. This project was funded with 4 million euros in 2008 and brought together more than 100 researchers from nine Spanish institutions that conduct research in forestry and environment. I have participated in projects funded by the UE, in other national projects and in relevant contracts with administrations.

I am currently the coordinator of the European project LIFE MIDMACC on the adaptation of the Mediterranean mountains to climate change, and the national project INMODES, on the limitations of integrated modelling at the landscape and regional scale and the development of a procedure for future evaluations of the changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services. 

I have directed 16 Ph D dissertations and many master’s theses.

Ha participat en:

Monimed 1
Project / Initiative
European Union Projects

Monitoring Mediterranean climate-smart forestry practices for climate resilience and ecosystem service provision

Tool / Guidebook
National Projects

Cómo integrar el cambio global en la gestión de los montes españoles

Dinàmica forestal i incendis
Research group

Forest dynamics and wildfires

Últimes publicacions:

2023 | Journal Article

Mostiga, Maricel; Armenteras, Dolors; Vayreda, Jordi; Retana, Javier

(en) - Nature's Contributions to People (NCPs) and biodiversity hotspots: a step towards multifunctionality of conservation areas in Peru,Nature's Contributions to People (NCPs) and biodiversity hotspots: a step towards multifunctionality of conservation areas in Peru. 329-339

2023 | Journal Article

Padulles Cubino, Josep;Retana Alumbreros, Javier

Socioeconomics explain tree diversity, abundance, and composition in the compact city of Barcelona, Spain,(ca) - Socioeconomics explain tree diversity, abundance, and composition in the compact city of Barcelona, Spain,(en) - Socioeconomics explain tree diversity, abundance, and composition in the compact city of Barcelona, Spain. -

2021 | Journal Article

Lecina-Diaz, Judit;Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;Alvarez, Albert;Vayreda, Jordi;Retana Alumbreros, Javier

Assessing the Risk of Losing Forest Ecosystem Services Due to Wildfires,(en) - Assessing the Risk of Losing Forest Ecosystem Services Due to Wildfires,(ca) - Assessing the Risk of Losing Forest Ecosystem Services Due to Wildfires. 1687-1701

2021 | Journal Article

Garcia Valdes, Raul;Vayreda, Jordi;Retana Alumbreros, Javier;Martinez Vilalta, Jordi

(ca) - Low forest productivity associated with increasing drought-tolerant species is compensated by an increase in drought-tolerance richness,Low forest productivity associated with increasing drought‐tolerant species is compensated by an increase in drought‐tolerance richness,(en) - Low forest productivity associated with increasing drought-tolerant species is compensated by an increase in drought-tolerance richness. 2113-2127