Joan Llusià Benet
I am a doctor in Biology and a researcher at the Global Ecology Unit CSIC-CEAB-CREAF. My research in the field of ecophysiology includes the study of abiotic factors (temperature, humidity, light, ozone) and biotic (plant-plant, plant-animal) that affect both the emissions and content of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in tropical and Mediterranean plants, from a perspective of both individuals and the ecosystem and in relation to the overall context of global change.
The results of my research are published in international journals (including the SCI) and at national levels. I participate in project and contract R & D and development work for staff training, theses and master. I have experience in organizing R & D activities (conferences, seminars, conferences, etc.). I have been a member of tribunals for masters and theses. In 1998 I was a member of the American Society of Botany. I'm a reviewer of articles for the journals American Journal of Botany, Atmospheric Environment, New Phytologist and Journal of Geophysical Research.