Senior researcher

Jordi Bosch

1992. PhD in Biology. University of Barcelona, Spain.1992-1994. Associate Professor. University of Barcelona, Spain.1994-1996. Post-doctoral Researcher. Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Logan, USA.1997-2001. Associate Researcher. Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory, USA-ARS, Logan, USA.2001-2003. Associate Research Professor. Utah State University, Logan, USA.2003-2007. Ramón y Cajal Researcher.
  • 1992. PhD in Biology. University of Barcelona, Spain.
  • 1992-1994. Associate Professor. University of Barcelona, Spain.
  • 1994-1996. Post-doctoral Researcher. Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Logan, USA.
  • 1997-2001. Associate Researcher. Bee Biology and Systematics Laboratory, USA-ARS, Logan, USA.
  • 2001-2003. Associate Research Professor. Utah State University, Logan, USA.
  • 2003-2007. Ramón y Cajal Researcher. Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain.
  • 2007 to date. Researcher. CREAF, Bellaterra, Spain.



Plant-pollinator interactions. I am interested in understanding the flower and pollinator biological attributes underlying the structure of plant-pollinator networks. I am also studying the relationship between network structure and pollination function. Collaborators: A. Rodrigo (CREAF).

Host-parasitoid interactions. I am studying the structure of host-parasitoid food webs and their spatial and temporal variability using cavity-nesting bees and wasps as study systems. Collaborators: A. Rodrigo (CREAF), X. Arnan (Federal University of Pernambuco).

Evolution of flower shape. I am collaborating with colleagues in Andalusia in a series of studies that aim to understand the role of pollinators as drivers of the evolution of floral shape in the genus Erysimum (Brassicaceae). Collaborators: J.M. Gómez (CSIC, Almeria), F. Perfectti (University of Granada).

Pollinator communities. I am studying the role of local (flower and nesting resources) and landscape effects (habitat type, fragmentation) on the spatial distribution of pollinator communities, both in natural and agricultural environments. Collaborators: A. Rodrigo (CREAF), X. Arnan (Federal University of Pernambuco), A.M. Klein (University of Freiburg), N. Blüthgen (University of Darmstadt), P. Hambäck (University of Stockholm), G. Alins (IRTA, Lleida).

Crop pollination. A good part of my research has focused on the development of rearing and management methods for Osmia and Megachile solitary bees to pollinate orchard and legume crops. I continue to work in this topic. Collaborators: W.P. Kemp (USDA-ARS, Fargo, North Dakota).

Bee ecotoxicology. I am conducting research on lethal and sublethal effects of pesticides on bees. I am a member of the ICPPR working group developing pesticide risk assessment protocols for solitary bees (Osmia). Collaborators: F. Sgolastra (University of Bologna).

Life cycle ecophysiology of solitary bees. I am studying the ecophysiology of Osmia and Megachile during development and diapause. The ultimate objective is to understand how climate change may affect the phenology and population dynamics of solitary bees. Collaborators: W.P. Kemp, G.D. Yocum, J.P. Rinehart (USDA-ARS, Fargo, North Dakota), F. Sgolastra (University of Bologna).

Parental investment. I am interested in understanding how solitary bees of the genus Osmia allocate resources among their offspring, and how these decisions affect sex ratio, body size, survival and fitness.


Ha participat en:

Projecte / Iniciativa
Contractes i convenis

Els pol·linitzadors silvestres a Catalunya : Informe sobre estatus, amenaces i àmbits prioritaris d'actuació per a la seva conservació

Dinàmica forestal i incendis
Research group

Forest dynamics and wildfires

Project / Initiative

Regenerative Agriculture as a way to advance towards food sovereignty and the fight against climate change, biodiversity loss and rural abandonment

Últimes publicacions:

2023 | Journal Article

Martins, C.A.H.; Caliani, I.; D’Agostino, A.; Di Noi, A.; Casini, S.; Parrilli, M.; Azpiazu, C.; Bosch, J.; Sgolastra, F.

Biochemical responses, feeding and survival in the solitary bee Osmia bicornis following exposure to an insecticide and a fungicide alone and in combination. 27636-27649

2023 | Journal Article

Jaumejoan, X.; Arnan, X.; Hagenbucher, S.; Rodrigo, A.; Sédivy, C.; Bosch, J.

Different effects of local and landscape context on pollen foraging decisions by two managed orchard pollinators, Osmia cornuta and Bombus terrestris. -

2023 | Journal Article

Azpiazu, C.;Hinarejos, S.;Sancho, G.;Albacete, S.;Sgolastra, Fabio;Martins, H.;Domene Casadesús, Xavier;Benrezkallah, J.;Rodrigo Dominguez, Anselm;Bosch, J.

(ca) - Description and validation of an improved method to feed solitary bees (Osmia spp.) known amounts of pesticides,(en) - Description and validation of an improved method to feed solitary bees (Osmia spp.) known amounts of pesticides,Description and validation of an improved method to feed solitary bees (Osmia spp.) known amounts of pesticides. -

2023 | Journal Article

Reverté, Sara; Miličić, Marija; Ačanski, Jelena; Andrić, Andrijana; Aracil, Andrea; Aubert, Matthieu; Balzan, Mario Victor; Bartomeus, Ignasi; Bogusch, Petr; Bosch, Jordi; Budrys, Eduardas; Cantú-Salazar, Lisette; Castro, Sílvia; Cornalba, Maurizio; Demeter, Imre; Devalez, Jelle; Dorchin, Achik; Dufrêne, Eric; Đorđević, Aleksandra; Fisler, Lisa; Fitzpatrick, Úna; Flaminio, Simone; Földesi, Rita; Gaspar, Hugo; Genoud, David; Geslin, Benoît; Ghisbain, Guillaume; Gilbert, Francis; Gogala, Andrej; Grković, Ana; Heimburg, Helge; Herrera-Mesías, Fernanda; Jacobs, Maarten; Janković Milosavljević, Marina; Janssen, Kobe; Jensen, Jens-Kjeld; Ješovnik, Ana; Józan, Zsolt; Karlis, Giorgos; Kasparek, Max; Kovács-Hostyánszki, Anikó; Kuhlmann, Michael; Le Divelec, Romain; Leclercq, Nicolas; Likov, Laura; Litman, Jessica; Ljubomirov, Toshko; Madsen, Henning Bang; Marshall, Leon; Mazánek, Libor; Milić, Dubravka; Mignot, Maud; Mudri-Stojnić, Sonja; Müller, Andreas; Nedeljković, Zorica; Nikolić, Petar; Ødegaard, Frode; Patiny, Sebastien; Paukkunen, Juho; Pennards, Gerard; Pérez-Bañón, Celeste; Perrard, Adrien; Petanidou, Theodora; Pettersson, Lars B.; Popov, Grigory; Popov, Snežana; Praz, Christophe; Prokhorov, Alex; Quaranta, Marino; Radchenko, Vladimir G.; Radenković, Snežana; Rasmont, Pierre; Rasmussen, Claus; Reemer, Menno; Ricarte, Antonio; Risch, Stephan; Roberts, Stuart P. M.; Rojo, Santos; Ropars, Lise; Rosa, Paolo; Ruiz, Carlos; Sentil, Ahlam; Shparyk, Viktor; Smit, Jan; Sommaggio, Daniele; Soon, Villu; Ssymank, Axel; Ståhls, Gunilla; Stavrinides, Menelaos; Straka, Jakub; Tarlap, Peeter; Terzo, Michael; Tomozii, Bogdan; Tot, Tamara; van der Ent, Leendert-Jan; van Steenis, Jeroen; van Steenis, Wouter; Varnava, Androulla I.; Vereecken, Nicolas J.; Veselić, Sanja; Vesnić, Adi; Weigand, Alexander; Wisniowski, Bogdan; Wood, Thomas J.; Zimmermann, Dominique; Michez, Denis; Vujić, Ante

(en) - National records of 3000 European bee and hoverfly species: A contribution to pollinator conservation,National records of 3000 European bee and hoverfly species: A contribution to pollinator conservation. 758-775