
Mario Padial Iglesias

Ph.D. in Geography, MSc in Remote Sensing and GIS, and BS in Geology specializing in groundwater Hydrogeology. My activity focuses on the development and application of techniques based on Remote Sensing imagery and GIS applied to the analysis of land cover change (LCC), especially forests and agricultural monitoring applications.

Ph.D. in Geography, MSc in Remote Sensing and GIS, and BS in Geology specializing in groundwater Hydrogeology. My activity focuses on the development and application of techniques based on Remote Sensing imagery and GIS applied to the analysis of land cover change (LCC), especially forests and agricultural monitoring applications. Current interest topics include high-accurate classification techniques (ground-truth areas extraction, supervised/unsupervised classification techniques, and post-processing applications) and LCC statistical analysis, Remote Sensing and GIS applications, climate change analysis, and time series gap-filling strategies.

Ha participat en:

Satèl·lit sobre la terra
Research group

Methods and applications in remote sensing and geographic information systems

Project / Initiative
Projectes nacional

New Iberian Forests: ecological role and potential vulnerability under climate change

Project / Initiative
Projectes nacional

Global Change analysis of the Iberian Peninsula: A 1950-2030 climate and land cover integrated lab

Últimes publicacions:

2022 | Journal Article

Padial Iglesias, Mario;Ninyerola Casals, Miquel;Serra Ruiz, Pere;Espelta Morral, Josep Maria;Pino Vilalta, Joan;Pons Fernandez, Xavier

Driving Forces of Forest Expansion Dynamics across the Iberian Peninsula (1987–2017): A Spatio-Temporal Transect,(en) - Driving Forces of Forest Expansion Dynamics across the Iberian Peninsula (1987–2017): A Spatio-Temporal Transect,(ca) - Driving Forces of Forest Expansion Dynamics across the Iberian Peninsula 1987–2017. 475-