Miquel Ferrín Guardiola
I am an Environmental biologist with a M.Sc. in Terrestrial ecology by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Since summer 2021 I am a PhD researcher working with CREAF and the UAB. My area of expertise and research focuses on insect ecology. I've also worked in research projects like VULCAN, FutureArctic or IMBALANCE-P.
My research aims to disentangle the ecological response of arthropod communities to the effects of global change. The main goal of the thesis is to bring new perspectives on soil arthropod ecology including observational and experimental studies at contrasting space-time scales. Integrating taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity as well as the different ecosystem functions where these organisms are present. I envisage to work with specific groups too, namely, springtails and mites among others. I am also interested in more holistic approaches, exploring the ecological interactions between arthropods and other groups such as plants, bacteria and fungi.