Senior researcher

Santiago Sabaté Jorba

PhD in Biology (1993), Ecology programme. Prof of Ecology at UB.

PhD in Biology (1993), Ecology programme. Prof of Ecology at UB.

My research interests and lecturing activities have been the study of forest structure and functioning, carbon, water, and nutrient balances, as well as ecophysiological responses of forests to climate change, drought, forest fires and forest management. Nevertheless, in a broader picture, I am interested on the study and analyses of the effects of climate and global change on our biosphere, including human societies. This is aiming at a better understanding and at the implementation of management options for adaptation and mitigation. Co-author of GOTILWA+; a model that simulates forest growth under different scenarios of management and environmental conditions. This model is and has been used for research, as well as tool for practical forest related courses. I have been active in many European, National and Regional research projects. Principal Investigator (PI) of EU funded projects (as El NIÑO, ATEAM, GREENCYCLES, GREENCYCLES II, CLIMSAVE, LOCOMOTION, LIFE DEMORGEST, LIFE Terra), member of the Management Committee of EU COST Actions, PI of two INIA-funded projects, and PI of three funded projects by Spanish research programmes (MEDFORESTREAM, MEDSOUL, ECO-Reactors). I am involved on ecological sustainability and energy transition projects, as well as in many activities and projects to communicate to the society the challenges related to Climate and Global Change.


Ha participat en:

Capçalera de bosc
Project / Initiative
European Union Projects

Science-based integrated forest mitigation management made operational for Europe

Project / Initiative
Projectes nacional

MICROCLIM: Microclimatic variability and forest carbon sink resilience to global warming

Margarites a Catalunya
Project / Initiative
European Union Projects

Low-carbon society: an enhanced modelling tool for the transition to sustainability

Últimes publicacions:

2023 | Journal Article

Carabajo-Hidalgo, Aldemar; Sabaté, Santiago; Crespo, Patricio; Asbjornsen, Heidi

(en) - Brief windows with more favorable atmospheric conditions explain patterns of Polylepis reticulata tree water use in a high-Altitude Andean forest,Brief windows with more favorable atmospheric conditions explain patterns of Polylepis reticulata tree water use in a high-altitude Andean forest,Brief windows with more favorable atmospheric conditions explain patterns of Polylepis reticulata tree water use in a high-Altitude Andean forest. 2085-2097

2023 | Journal Article

De Cáceres, Miquel; Molowny-Horas, Roberto; Cabon, Antoine; Martínez-Vilalta, Jordi; Mencuccini, Maurizio; García-Valdés, Raúl; Nadal-Sala, Daniel; Sabaté, Santiago; Martin-Stpaul, Nicolas; Morin, Xavier; D'adamo, Francesco; Batllori, Enric; Améztegui, Aitor

MEDFATE 2.9.3: a trait-enabled model to simulate Mediterranean forest function and dynamics at regional scales,(ca) - MEDFATE 2.9.3,(en) - MEDFATE 2.9.3: a trait-enabled model to simulate Mediterranean forest function and dynamics at regional scales. 3165-3201

2023 | Journal Article

Barbeta, A.; Miralles, D.G.; Mendiola, L.; Gimeno, T.E.; Sabaté, S.; Carnicer, J.

Disentangling the Role of Forest Structure and Functional Traits in the Thermal Balance of the Mediterranean–Temperate Ecotone,(en) - Disentangling the Role of Forest Structure and Functional Traits in the Thermal Balance of the Mediterranean–Temperate Ecotone,(en) - Disentangling the Role of Forest Structure and Functional Traits in the Thermal Balance of the Mediterranean-Temperate Ecotone. e2022JG007264-

2023 | Journal Article

Puig-Gironès, Roger; Muriana, Montse; Real, Joan; Sabaté, Santi

(en) - Unravelling the influence of annual weather conditions and Mediterranean habitat types on acorn production, availability and predation,Unravelling the influence of annual weather conditions and Mediterranean habitat types on acorn production, availability and predation,Unravelling the influence of annual weather conditions and Mediterraneanhabitat types on acorn production, availability and predation. -