
CREAF's Annual Report 2020 already available


CREAF has published its annual report for 2020, which summarises all its scientific activity. A year marked by the pandemic that has not slowed down the centre's growth.
In the scientific area, we highlight the sustained growth of publications and their quality. With 262 scientific articles published in SCI journals, and 90.3% of the journals in Quartile 1. It is also good news that four researchers have been recognised in the Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researchers ranking. If we focus on international activity, we are very satisfied with our participation in networks and initiatives such as IPBES, SER and the recent inclusion of CREAF in the EOSC Cloud. This activity is leading us to gain reputation and positioning in areas such as habitat restoration, the monitoring, study and conservation of biodiversity, interoperability and issues related to the quality of research data, among others.

CREAF already participates in 44 European projects, and we have a growing leadership that allows us to coordinate 4 of these projects. The implementation of the Severo Ochoa project also continues, and it is for this reason that in 2020 we have been able to hire a person in charge of supporting the recruitment and retention of research talent and coordinating CREAF's gender office. Moreover, we have also integrated a new scientific coordinator and have reinforced the communication and international relations strategies with two other people.

Download here the Annual Report in pdf version (English)

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