CREAF’s Annual Report 2021 is available
CREAF has published its annual report for 2021, which, as every year, summarises all its scientific activity. On this occasion, our centre consolidates its growth and impact in multiple aspects.
In terms of human resources, the center has increased its staff to 224 people, 145 of whom are researchers. Of this team, 4 researchers are once again among the most cited in the ranking prepared by Clarivate Analytics.
On the scientific side, 296 articles have been published, 90% of which have been published in first quartile journals. It is also remarkable that CREAF has 119 active projects, 44 of which have European funding and 2 of which are coordinated by our research staff. The execution of the plan derived from the Severo Ochoa accreditation continues successfully.
During 2021, CREAF has become a partner and promoter of the Eurecat Climate Resilience Center. In addition, several researchers have participated in the development of the Catalan Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change 2021-2030 (ESCACC30). Joan Pino, CREAF's director, and researcher Jofre Carnicer have become members of the Ecology Advisory Council of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area.
In the international scene, other notable actions include CREAF's participation as an observer organisation at the 8th IPBES plenary session, the analysis of COP26 results by researcher Josep Peñuelas published as an editorial on Global Change Biology, and the CREAF’s membership of the Global Coalition United for Biodiversity for global action.
Other highlighted issues include the consolidation of the Fundraising program started on 2020 with the first agreements and contacts, the multiple actions undertaken around citizen science, and the different communication and outreach projects of the centre.