
Enrique Doblas takes part as an expert in a debate on justice and socio-environmental protection policies in Brazil

International PR & Corporate Communications

Adriana Clivillé Morató

Journalist with heterogeneus experience in outreach initiatives on climate change, biodiversity, sustainability, renewable energy, technology, territory and its management with environmental criteria. I have worked for universities, research centers, public

The National Council of Justice of Brazil and the office of the European Union in the South American country have jointly organized the I Webinar International Brasil - European Union focused on justice and socio-environmental protection policies in the Amazon.

From CREAF, researcher Enrique Doblas has taken part as a senior European expert, a relevant and valuable task, which is not usually assumed from a research center. Doblas has prepared a comparative analysis between the Amazonian and European forests, has shared good practices, has shared the main aspects of the environmental legal framework of the European Union and has highlighted the similarities and differences between both realities.

The aim of the international event is to share new forms of protection for the Brazilian Judicial Power of the Amazon and the traditional populations involved. During the event, a joint Brazilian and European study was released on the legal guarantee that should ensure both the Legal Amazon (an area that includes 9 Brazilian states completely and 1 partially), as well as the environment. Based on this work, the Brazilian Judicial Branch will implement good national and international practices to reinforce social and environmental protection, through the recently created Judicial Branch Environmental Observatory.

Enrique Doblas has participated in the round table on the results of applying the survey of justice and social and environmental protection in the Amazon, in which Maria Tereza Uille Gomes, counselor of the National Council of Justice; Maria Rosa Sabbatella, delegate of the European Union Delegation in Brazil, and António Ludovina Lópes, senior expert from Brazil. He has moderated Marcus Livio Gomes, special secretary for programs and strategic management of the National Council of Justice of Brazil.

The protection of the environment as a public policy and national judicial policy has centered the debate of the first round table, in which Ivana Harina Navarrete Pena, counselor of the National Council of Justice; Marcelo Furtado, Brazil Board Chair at the World Resources Institute; Caio Koch-Weser, President of the Advisory Council of the European Climate Foundation, and Herman Benjain, of the High Court of Justice. The moderation of the round table has been assumed by Valter Shuenquener de Araújo, secretary general of the National Council of Justice.

In its institutional aspect, the conference featured Luiz Fux, judge and president of the Supreme Court of Brazil, the highest position in the country's judiciary. Likewise, Ignacio Ybáñez, ambassador of the European Union in Brazil; Wellington Fagundes, coordinating senator of the external Commission that supervises the actions to face the fires of the Pantanal biome; Rodrigo Agostinho, coordinating deputy of the Environmentalist Parliamentary Front and president of the Commission for the environment and sustainable development of the Chamber of Deputies; Humberto Martins, president of the Superior Court of Justice.

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