News All Biodiversity Climate change Ecosystem functioning Earth Observation Advanced filters Research Areas TotBiodiversityEcosystem FunctioningGlobal ChangeEarth ObservationTotBiodiversityEcosystem FunctioningGlobal ChangeEarth Observation Transversal Topic - Any -Regenerative AgricultureForestsCitizen scienceMediterranean BasinBig data and data qualityEcosystem servicesNature-Based Solutions- Any -Regenerative AgricultureForestsCitizen scienceMediterranean BasinBig data and data qualityEcosystem servicesNature-Based Solutions Format - Any -In the mediaProtagonistsPhotographyInfographicNewsOpinionReportVideo- Any -In the mediaProtagonistsPhotographyInfographicNewsOpinionReportVideo Author Author: Galdric Mossoll Clos (14449) Clear all Infographic 14-11-2024 Galdric Mossoll Clos Infographic The importance of dead wood in forests Explore In the media 19-09-2024 Galdric Mossoll Clos In the media Associated Press news agency (USA) , An expected drought emergency in northeast Spain would mean tighter water restrictions for Barcelona Explore In the media 05-09-2024 Galdric Mossoll Clos In the media Annelies Broekman en TeleSur: La temperatura del mar Mediterráneo provoca cambios en el agua Explore News 31-05-2024 Galdric Mossoll Clos News How do trees handle thirst? Explore In the media 08-04-2024 Galdric Mossoll Clos In the media, Intensive pig farming hogs scarce water in drought-hit Catalonia Explore Report 06-03-2024 Galdric Mossoll Clos Report What is forest resilience? Explore News 27-02-2024 Galdric Mossoll Clos News Trees not only absorb CO2, they also clean the air of nitrogenous compounds Explore News 27-02-2024 Galdric Mossoll Clos News Mosquito Alert citizen science project wins international WSA 2023 award Explore In the media 31-01-2024 Galdric Mossoll Clos In the media Libération: «S’il ne pleut pas d’ici l’été, je ne sais pas ce qu’on va devenir» : en Catalogne, le sauve-qui-peut de l’agriculture et du tourisme face à la sécheresse Explore In the media 15-01-2024 Galdric Mossoll Clos In the media Arte TV , Fog catchers in the fight against water shortages Explore