Project / Initiative
- Inactive


The acceleration of biogeochemical cycles in the high mountains during the Anthropocene

Thecarbon dioxide increase in the atmosphere, the greater deposition of reactive nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, and the warming that lengthens the vegetative period in cold areas suggest an acceleration of biogeochemical processes in remote areas, not directly affected by the human activity. The alpine zone of the high mountains is one of these areas likely affected. The monitoring that can be carried out today lacks sufficient time perspective, since the change probably began in the middle of the 20th century. The study of the sedimentary record of alpine lakes is an alternative methos.


The objective of this project is to evaluate some of the possible indications of thei cceleration such as that the composition of organic matter shows a decrease in complex molecules,  the recycling pathways are diminished in favor of  the export of nutrients and that there is a change in isotopic fractionation related to greater availability of nutrients. These objectives are linked to the new mission that National Parks have acquired, as exceptional places for monitoring and evaluating the impact of global change.

Estany de la ratera, aiguestortes i estany de sant maurici
