Project / Initiative
European Union Projects
- Inactive


Co-designed citizen observatories for the European Open Science Cloud

Creaf leader



The main goal of Cos4Cloud is to boost citizen science technologies by developing eleven technological services that will help the citizen observatories to increase the quantity and the quality of biodiversity and environmental observations.


One of the biggest challenges of citizen science is the quality of data, as well as maintaining the citizen observatories used to collect the data. Cos4Cloud is addressing these challenges by developing eleven technological services. Cos4Cloud will make these services available in the new European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), a virtual space aimed at the European scientific community, so that anyone interested in creating or improving their citizen observatory can use them. Among other things, the cutting-edge technologies will help improve interoperability, artificial intelligence, networking, data quality and secure management of data in citizen observatories, with a very user-friendly focus.


The services will be co-designed with key stakeholders and carefully tested with end-users. Cos4Cloud relies on the participation of a network of 9 citizen observatories and Do it Yourself (DIY) initiatives focused on biodiversity and environmental monitoring. These platforms will be responsible for testing the various services with their users. Four of the largest citizen biodiversity observatories in Europe will collaborate in the first part of the project: Natusfera, iSpot, Pl@ntNet and Artportalen. In the second part, the services will be tested on platforms focused on environmental monitoring in water (Freshwater Watch and KdUINO) and air: odours (OdourCollect), particular matter ( and aerosols (iSpex).

