Project / Initiative
Interreg projects
- Inactive


Connectivity of forest and riparian ecosystems of the SUDOE space

The CERES project aims to develop actions to maintain and/or improve ecological continuity networks to enhance biodiversity and ecological functions allowing the free movement of animal and plant species.

This transnational cooperation aims to provide to actors of the territories two main tools:

  • A knowledge improvement tool through the development of a common method to characterize the quality and ecological connectivity of forest and riparian ecosystems of the SUDOE space;
  • A tool to improve management practices at different scales of the ecological continuity of natural habitats in order to improve their functioning and preserve, maintain and increase their biodiversity.

This project will also address the aspect of communication and awareness that will be directed to different stakeholders for accompanying the planning of the territory in order to they can integrate the results of the CERES project into their practices.
