Project / Initiative
Contracts and agreements
- Inactive


Singular Forest Inventory of Catalonia

Is a reference catalogue of the best forests in relation to the matrix surrounding them. It provides a framework for determining their age-related singularities, taking into account the different values that society might attach to them; for example, a forest’s biodiversity value, conservation value, prodcutive value, and/or social value.
The process of carrying out this inventory consisted of two different development phases. In the first, at a general level, a survey was conducted to characterize those forests that would be subject to inventory. In the second phase, at a local level, forests were sought 
out, catalogued, and then classified based on the characterizations arrived at during the previous phase. The current inventory is made up of 292 singular forests that occupy a total area of 3,201 ha.The search phase resulted in 3,262 proposals, of which 796 have reached the field recognition phase.