
Did you know that the melting of the Arctic and the anomalous cold of this month of June in Europe are related?

What happens in the Arctic, much to our dismay, does not stay in the Arctic and has effects on the entire planet. Today, these polar areas are experiencing dramatic changes that are modifying the entire climate system and bringing this sense of climate chaos that we have been experiencing for a few years. Climate change, of human origin, is being the cause. We explain it to you.

àrtic Climate change Desgel Europa Global change Global warming

Global warming in the Arctic increases megafires on the permafrost

The Siberian Arctic experienced an unusual number of fires in 2019 and 2020. This raised concerns in the scientific community, as the Arctic has large areas of permafrost, a permanently frozen layer of subsoil that accumulates large amounts of carbon. Fires damage the permafrost and contribute to the release of carbon emissions in the form of greenhouse gases. The question that remained unanswered was whether this increase in fires in 2019-2020 was an exceptional case or a trend that will get worse as the Arctic warms.

Arctic àrtic Forest fires Global warming Permafrost