
Did you know that the melting of the Arctic and the anomalous cold of this month of June in Europe are related?

Communication Manager

Anna Ramon Revilla

I hold a degree in Biology (2005) by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and a Master in Scientific and Environmental Communication (2007) by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Since 2011 I

What happens in the Arctic, much to our dismay, does not stay in the Arctic and has effects on the entire planet. Today, these polar areas are experiencing dramatic changes that are modifying the entire climate system and bringing this sense of climate chaos that we have been experiencing for a few years. Climate change, of human origin, is being the cause. We explain it to you.

Catalan scientists such as Santiago Giralt from Geosciences Barcelona (GEO3BCN), a research institute belonging to the Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) and Sergi Pla from CREAF and the UAB, are studying what consequences global warming could have on the climate system of the entire Planet. To do this, they are carrying out extensive fieldwork as part of the NEOCLIM project: Reconstructing neoglacial climate variability in the polar North Atlantic with geochemical and biological studies of sediments collected from Greenland ponds. Recently, they have been on an expedition to this frozen land and they have told us that what they experienced there explains this anomalous month of June that we have had in all of Europe.

What is your starting hypothesis for doing this research?

Why is this jet stream changing?

Climatic anomalies (temperature and precipitation) in the Arctic. Source: University of Main, USA.

And what can cause a weak and erratic polar jet stream?

Graph of the jet stream fluctuation. Illustration: Ignacio Sánchez. Source: NOAA and

So what we experienced this June has to do with the North Pole Jet Stream?

And how can we rebuild the climate?

So you have collected sediment samples that you will now analyze? How will you do it?

Sampling areas during the expedition to the east and west of Greenland. Source: GEO3-BCN

And what happened there will allow us to understand what can happen here?

Are the Greenland sediments already in Catalonia?

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