Citizen science

Europe evaluates its citizen science and biodiversity projects

ALTER-Net, the network of European experts on biodiversity and ecosystem services, has published a review article on citizen science and learning in the journal Conservation Biology. The authors stress that in order for participative projects to reach their potential scientists should become more involved and not remain the background.

Bioblitz @en Cbms @en Citizen science Corina basnou @en Joan pino @en Mosquito alert @en Natusfera @en Virtual biodiversity @en

Meet Natusfera: a new virtual platform which will connect nature lovers from all over Europe

Created by CREAF and GBIF.ES, Natusfera consists of a web portal and application for mobile devices which will host information about living beings observed in nature including photo sharing and location. The European Citizen Science Association considers Natusfera to be a benchmark model for initiatives of this type, and has proposed that it be translated into as many languages as possible.  

Bernat claramunt @en Biodiversity Citizen science Ecsa @en Eu-bon @en Fecyt @en Gbif @en Icm @en Jaume piera @en Natusfera @en

AtrapaelTigre is now Mosquito Alert: a citizen platform for studying and controlling the mosquitos that transmit global epidemics

This new program updates the project previously known as AtrapaelTigre, and includes the mosquito Aedes aegypti which is responsible for the spread of Zika virus. The updated project will implement an early warning system based on citizen science for the detection of the mosquito’s possible arrival to Spain. Also, monitoring of the presence and spread of the tiger mosquito will be expanded with the objective that the data be incorporated into Spanish systems of public health management and epidemiological research.

Citizen science Frederic bartumeus @en Mosquito alert @en Mosquitoes

#FenoDato seeks citizens to help monitor how climate change is altering nature’s rhythm

Climate experts, botanists, geographers and ecologists from CREAF and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) will train citizens to monitor seasonal changes which can be observed in nature. This way citizens will be able to help the scientists study the effects of climate change on animals and plants. Flower emergence, the dropping of leaves, or the arrival of certain birds will be some of the changes to be studied. Once trained, citizens will be able to contribute to European and Spanish phenology observation networks.

#fenodato @en Citizen science Climate change El niño @en Global change Joan masó @en Miquel ninyerola @en Phenology

Scientists and Catalonian National Police collaborate to catch tiger mosquito stowaways in private vehicles

The BaixLlobregat Mosquito Control Service is carrying out vehicle searches in coordination with the Mossos de Esquadra (Catalonian National Police) as part of the project led by a team from CEAB-CSIC and CREAF. According to 2014 citizen data collected using the app Tigatrapp, this summer Spanish may have transported as many 800,000 tiger mosquitos in their vehicles.

Car Citizen science City Frederic bartumeus @en Police Tiger mosquito

The City of Barcelona uses Tigatrapp, a mobile device application for tracking and preventing spread of the tiger mosquito is a citizen science project promoting active collaboration of citizens by way of its app, Tigatrapp. The initiative originated in Catalonia and is capable of managing information from thousands of tiger mosquito breeding sites.

Acsp Barcelona @en Citizen science Frederic bartumeus @en Tiger mosquito