Extensive land use: the best strategy for reversing rural depopulation and protecting nature Biodiversitat Biodiversity Depopulation Despoblament Forest management Forest management Global change Natura Nature Rural Territori Zones rurals Read more about Extensive land use: the best strategy for reversing rural depopulation and protecting nature
Science deciphers 300 years of climate history hidden in the rings of five centuries-old trees Biodiversitat Climate change Forest Global change Memòria climàtica Nature Trees Read more about Science deciphers 300 years of climate history hidden in the rings of five centuries-old trees
Why the brand new Nature Restoration Law can reverse the relationship between the environment and society Europa Europe Nature Nature restoration law Restoration Read more about Why the brand new Nature Restoration Law can reverse the relationship between the environment and society
Carbon sequestration at risk of destabilization in large regions of the world Carbon stock Ecosystems Edm@en Marcos fernandez-martinez @en Nature @en Read more about Carbon sequestration at risk of destabilization in large regions of the world