Tiger mosquito

Mosquito Alert confirms five-year high in spring tiger mosquito numbers in 2020

The number of tiger mosquito sightings reported via the Mosquito Alert app in the first half of 2020 is 70% higher than in 2018, which was, until now, the year with the most early-season sightings of the insect. However, 2015 still holds the record for the greatest number of tiger mosquito sightings over a full season.

Mosquito alert @en Tiger mosquito

Citizen science and smart traps against to fight the tiger mosquito

The MosquitoAlertBCN project has been one of the research initiatives selected by the Pla Barcelona Ciència. It is a project led by CREAF, with the participation of UPF and IRIDEON and the collaboration of the ASPB. The Pla Barcelona Ciència has the support of the Barcelona City Council and the “la Caixa” Bank Foundation.

Agencia de salut publica de barcelona @en Citizen participation Citizen science Mosquito alert @en Smart traps Society Tiger mosquito Upf @en

Big Mosquito Bytes: new project proposes citizen science and big data as solution against epidemics caused by mosquitoes

The Big Mosquito Bytes project has been awarded a million euros by the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation. The project will combine citizen science and other massive data sources to develop innovative models that allow predicting the risk of epidemics, as well as visualizing this risk in real time. In the project led by CEAB-CSIC, scientists from UPF, the Max Planck Institute for Demography, the National Center for Epidemiology of ISPCIII and CREAF participate, and it draws heavily on the Mosquito Alert citizen science platform.



Aedes albopictus @en Big data @en Chikungunyua Citizen science Dengue @en Mosquito alert @en Mosquito borne diseases Tiger mosquito Zika @en

Citizen science is a useful and reliable tool for studying the mosquitoes driving global epidemics

Acoording to a study published in Nature Communications citizen science has allowed the researchers to cover much more geographic space in comparison to traditional methods, reducing the economic cost of the two-year study eight-fold.



App @en Ceab-csic @en Chikungunya @en Citizen science Dengue @en Epidemics Mosquitos @en Public health Tiger mosquito Upf @en Zika @en

Scientists and Catalonian National Police collaborate to catch tiger mosquito stowaways in private vehicles

The BaixLlobregat Mosquito Control Service is carrying out vehicle searches in coordination with the Mossos de Esquadra (Catalonian National Police) as part of the Atrapaeltigre.com project led by a team from CEAB-CSIC and CREAF. According to 2014 citizen data collected using the app Tigatrapp, this summer Spanish may have transported as many 800,000 tiger mosquitos in their vehicles.

Car Citizen science City Frederic bartumeus @en Police Tiger mosquito

The City of Barcelona uses Tigatrapp, a mobile device application for tracking and preventing spread of the tiger mosquito

AtrapaelTigre.com is a citizen science project promoting active collaboration of citizens by way of its app, Tigatrapp. The initiative originated in Catalonia and is capable of managing information from thousands of tiger mosquito breeding sites.

Acsp Barcelona @en Citizen science Frederic bartumeus @en Tiger mosquito