Jaume piera @en

BioMARató: the competition that brings the biodiversity of the Catalan coasts closer to citizens

Taking photos of the maximum number of living things on the Catalan coastline, such as birds, plants on the promenade, or underwater species, is the objective of BioMARató, one of the largest citizen science and marine observations events to be held in Catalonia between the end of April and early May, as well as throughout the summer of 2021.

Biomarató @en Citizen science City nature challenge @en Coastline Conservació Conservation Cos4cloud Cos4cloud @ca Jaume piera Jaume piera @en Marine biodiversity Natusfera @en

Meet Natusfera: a new virtual platform which will connect nature lovers from all over Europe

Created by CREAF and GBIF.ES, Natusfera consists of a web portal and application for mobile devices which will host information about living beings observed in nature including photo sharing and location. The European Citizen Science Association considers Natusfera to be a benchmark model for initiatives of this type, and has proposed that it be translated into as many languages as possible.  

Bernat claramunt @en Biodiversity Citizen science Ecsa @en Eu-bon @en Fecyt @en Gbif @en Icm @en Jaume piera @en Natusfera @en