Joan masó @en

Are you interested in new innovations to support River Basin Management?

The WaterInnEU Marketplace will be launched soon and will be a match making hub that has been established to accelerate the market translation of products and services of specific relevance to River Basin Management.


Daniel díaz @en Diana pascual @en Ester prat @en Grumets @en Joan masó @en Lluís pesquer @en Núria julià @en River River basin Water Water management Waterinneu @en

CREAF is co-organizer of the ConnectinGEO and ENEON workshops in Austria

During the week of October 10-14, the city of Laxenburg (Austria) will host the Earth Observation workshop meeting ConnectinGEO and ENEON Workshop Week. In the first of two workshops, initial results of the ConnectinGeo project will be presented, while the second will cover ENEON's completed work and upcoming activities. Both projects are led by CREAF.

Connectingeo @en Earth observation Eneon @en Gap analysis @en Iiasa @en Ivette serral @en Joan masó @en Plenary @en Workshop @en

#FenoDato seeks citizens to help monitor how climate change is altering nature’s rhythm

Climate experts, botanists, geographers and ecologists from CREAF and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) will train citizens to monitor seasonal changes which can be observed in nature. This way citizens will be able to help the scientists study the effects of climate change on animals and plants. Flower emergence, the dropping of leaves, or the arrival of certain birds will be some of the changes to be studied. Once trained, citizens will be able to contribute to European and Spanish phenology observation networks.

#fenodato @en Citizen science Climate change El niño @en Global change Joan masó @en Miquel ninyerola @en Phenology

Seeing sub-pixel cars (and planes) in the brand new Sentinel 2 Earth Observation Satellite images!

A new Earth Observation satellite with 10 meter resolution able to see elements that were not visible in equivalent satellites of the same kind. In moving elements, the information of the three pixels that form the three channels that form color images (red, green and blue) are seen separated and objects become visible even if are smaller than a single pixel. This could allow for opening new Research lines in the field of mobility and road transport.

Gis @en Joan masó @en Landsat @en Satellite Sentinel 2

GEOSS users matter: an idea born out of the GeoViQua project wins the first call of MYGEOSS Project

The European project MYGEOSS awards an innovative idea of creating the MYGEOSS Feedback app submitted by 52North and S&T Corp to the First Call for Innovative Apps. This smart App is part of the outreach results of GeoViQua, a European project lead by CREAF during 2012 to 2014.  

Citizen science European citizen science association @en Geoss @en Geoviqua @en Ivette serral @en Joan masó @en

CREAF starts a project for the transfer of results of European R&D on water to the marketplace and to society

CREAF coordinates the European project WaterInnEU, whose objective is to create a marketplace connecting results of European R&D on water with potential users. Through WaterInnEU, it is hoped that tools, protocols, and data produced by European research can be standardised, provided via open access, and that they are transferred to actors in the water management sector with decision-making power, or that they penetrate into the market in the form of products and services. 

Eip water @en H2020 @en Innovation International Interoperability Joan masó @en Lluís pesquer @en Marketplace @en Sig @en Standards Transfer Water

CREAF will coordinate the creation of ENEON, a European network of earth observation

This week saw the first meeting of the ConnectinGEO project, a new European Horizon2020 project coordinated by CREAF that has the objective of coordinating and promoting the use of Earth observation data in Europe. Earth observation data are used for determining the health of the planet from space, using remote sensing technology such as sensors and cameras on planes, satellites, and other airships

Connectingeo @en Geoss @en Gis @en Ivette serral @en Joan masó @en