Joan masó @en

Joan Masó against the digital Tower of Babel

A physicist who specializes in spatial information and programming, Joan Masó has actively contributed to milestones such as the development of the MiraMon digital mapping software and the creation of the Web Map Tile Service standard. His work could be defined as using open data to create opportunities.

Geo @en Geospatial Gis @en Grumets @en Grumets @es Joan masó Joan masó @en Mapping Miramon @en Open geospatial consortium Satellite Sig Space @en Web map tile service

Cos4Cloud, a European project to revolutionize the technology of citizen science

The European Union promotes Cos4Cloud, an ambitious project that will create cutting-edge technology services to improve citizen science platforms. Among other services it will include: integrating observations from different citizen science platforms into a portal, artificial intelligence tools that help citizens recognize species when they send an observation and standardize data from different platforms

Citizen science Citizen science @ca @en Cos4cloud Eosc Joan masó @en Sdg @en

Citizen science is a data source to fill sustainable development goals

Monitoring progress on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires a huge amount of data. Citizen science could help fill important data gaps according to a new study published in  Nature SustainabilityThe research, led by IIASA, has involved a large community of citizen science experts from around the world, including Joan Masó, a researcher at CREAF. 

Citizen science Joan masó @en Monitoring Sdgs Sustainability Sustainable development

CREAF's role in the European strategy of fostering citizen observatories for environmental monitoring

CREAF is heading a community of practice that is leading the first citizen science interoperability experiment of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The goal is for citizen science projects to adopt international standards with a view to data being shared and reused.

Citizen observatory Citizen science @ca @en Esa @en Geoss @en Governance Groundtruth20 @en Iiasa @en Interoperability Joan masó @en Jrc @en Ogc @en Ritmenatura @en Standards Weobserve @en

Climate change is causing plants to flower earlier and changing the rhythm of nature

CREAF and the companies Altran and Starlab have led the design of, a citizen observatory that encourages members of the public to ‘adopt’ a plant, record the changes it undergoes and provide data that can be used to study the effects of climate change.

Citizen science Climate change Corina basnou @en Ester prat @en Groundtruth20 @en Joan masó @en Joan pino @en Phenology Ritmenatura @en

CREAF participates in the global initiative GEO WEEK in Washington DC

The annual meeting of GEO (Group on Earth Observations) will take place between the 23 and 27 of October in Washington DC. There are two sessions organized by CREAF: one centering on citizen science, and the other on future prospects for EuroGEOSS.

Citizen science Ecopotential @en Era-planet @en European comission Geo @en Geo week @en Groundtruth20 @en Ivette serral @en Joan masó @en Sig @en Washington @en