Joan pino @en

La Ricarda, the last piece of the Llobregat delta?

If the Llobregat delta were a plane, the protected area of la Ricarda would be a very important part (who knows if the last one) that supports the complex operation of the delta. An impossible space to remove without shaking the rest of the ecosystem and the environmental services it provides to the entire population. Want to know why?

Airport expansion environmental cost Annelies broekman @en Barcelona airport expansion Biodiversitat Joan pino @en La ricarda @en Llobregat delta

Joan Pino, director of the CREAF, announces that he will not be part of male-only expert panels

The director of CREAF joins the institutional campaign #ICOMMIT and makes public his personal commitment in favor of equality between men and women within the scientific world. His commitment aims to raise his voice against the so-called manel or all-man panels.

11f All men panels Day of woman and girls in science Dona i ciència Equality Gender Institutional Joan pino @en Manel Teresa rosas Teresa rosas @en

Climate change is causing plants to flower earlier and changing the rhythm of nature

CREAF and the companies Altran and Starlab have led the design of, a citizen observatory that encourages members of the public to ‘adopt’ a plant, record the changes it undergoes and provide data that can be used to study the effects of climate change.

Citizen science Climate change Corina basnou @en Ester prat @en Groundtruth20 @en Joan masó @en Joan pino @en Phenology Ritmenatura @en

Europe evaluates its citizen science and biodiversity projects

ALTER-Net, the network of European experts on biodiversity and ecosystem services, has published a review article on citizen science and learning in the journal Conservation Biology. The authors stress that in order for participative projects to reach their potential scientists should become more involved and not remain the background.

Bioblitz @en Cbms @en Citizen science Corina basnou @en Joan pino @en Mosquito alert @en Natusfera @en Virtual biodiversity @en