
CREAF Annual Report 2016 is already available

Communication Technician

Albert Naya i Díaz

Fascinated by the singularity of our Earth, I have recently travelled out of necessity. Shortly before that I followed a trainee program to become a Science teacher, which has always

In 2016 CREAF have published 205 articles indexed on SCI, which maintains the rising tendency of the last years. 77% of our publications were in scientific magazines located in the first quartile, among which several Nature and Science.

annual report 2016

Finally we can share with you the last CREAF Annual Report, which gather up the most important activities, milestones, news and events of the center during 2016. In the document you will also find the main data, new research projects and publications of our research staff. Some of the highlights are:

  • We have published 205 scientific papers in the SCI. This represents a 19% increase over 2015. 16 of the 205 articles are published in journals with more than 10 impact factor, including Science, Nature, Ecology Letters or Trends in Ecology and Evolution.
  • The center also continues growing in its staff, and in 2016 CREAF has had 196 workers, which 121 of them are research staff. This allows for run 61 active projects.
  • CREAF has improved its scientific ranking with respect to other Spanish scientific institutions. We are among the 500 best international institutions of the world according to SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR).
  • At the international level, 35% of the total budget comes from European funds, keeping the proportion reached during 2015.

You can download the Annual Report in this link.


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