
CREAF Annual Report 2017 can be already consulted


In 2017, CREAF produced 231 SCI papers, the highest number in its history. 87% have been published in scientific journals of the first quartile. three of them in Science, and one in Nature Climate Change.


CREAF Annual Report 2016 is already available, which gather up the main data and goals of the center. You can also find new projects started during the last years and all publications. We highlight:

  • In 2017, CREAF has published 231 articles indexed on SCI, some of them in high impact factor journals such as ScienceNature Climate ChangeEcology Letters, o Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. This number is the highest in our history, and it represents 12,7% more than in 2016.
  • This increase is partly because of the growth in the number of people working here. In 2017, 215 people dedicated to scientific research worked in CREAF. This represents an increase of 19 people over the previous year, in part due to the 75 active projects during the past year.
  • In September 2017, CREAF started an annual seminar programme called 'CREAF Talks'. There is a new session approximately every two weeks where an outstanding ecologist visits the center and offers a one-hour talk. You can check all the editions on the web page.
  • At the international level,
  • At the international level, CREAF reduces a little the funds coming from Europe. In 2017, 30% of the total budget comes from European funds, which is a less than 35% in 2016.

You can download CREAF Annual Report 2017 here.

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