
Six essential techniques to discover regenerative agriculture!

Media Relations Manager

Ángela Justamante

Graduate in Biology (University of Valencia, 2015), master's degree in Biomedicine (UB, 2016), course in Science Journalism (UNED, 2017) and postgraduate degree in Science Communication (Uvic, 2019). She has experience

The Life-Polyfarming regenerative agriculture project, coordinated by Planeses and CREAF, has recently published six videos in which they explain, in an informative tone, the agricultural and livestock techniques carried out in the pilot farm in La Garrotxa, Catalonia. These techniques aim to recover fertile and profitable soil in a way that respects the environment. 

Mobile pens to manage chickens and rabbits

The animals are moved every day using a system of fences and mobile shelters. Thus, they enjoy clean pastureland every day while enriching the soil with their excrement.

Management of cattle through programmed intensive grazing

The cows graze each day on a different plot, and it takes around 50-60 days to return to an area where they have already eaten. In this way, they don’t have the chance to eat the regrowth from the first plants they ate, but they improve the fertility of the soil with their excrements.

Biofertilisers from microorganisms on the forest floor

Biofertilisers are highly nutritious liquid fertilisers for plants. In the Polyfarming system, they are made from the forest floor's microorganisms dissolved in water enriched with milk, molasses, and minerals. You can discover the complete 'recipe' and its benefits by watching the video.

The BRF 'emulates' forest humus 

The Bois Raméal Fragmenté (BRF), or Ramial Chipped Wood, consists of the chipping of small branches. Once crushed, they are left to decompose for a time in the woods to obtain humus similar to the forest. When applied to the orchard or fruit trees, it improves the structure and water retention capacity of the soil.

Biochar, an ally to improve the physical properties of the soil

Biochar is the name given to charcoal when obtained from the pyrolysis of the biomass of plant origin. It has high organic content; it is very resistant to degradation, and it has high micro and mesoporosity. These characteristics allow the soil to retain more water, nutrients, and microorganisms.

Burying logs and branches under the ground increases the reserve of water and microorganisms

The cultivation over wooden beds, known as HügelKultur, consists of burying logs of various sizes in trenches under vegetable gardens and fruit orchards. Those remains act as a sponge to 'store' the water and microorganisms.

You can find out more about the Polyfarming system and its objectives in the project presentation video!

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Script: Polyfarming team

Audiovisual content:

Management: Isaac Lupiáñez Fontanet


Graphic design: Desorden creativo

Polyfarming is a project co-funded by the LIFE programme of the European Comission

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