24/05/2016 Notícia

We are looking for a candidate for a doctoral fellowship about Phoenicean juniper and drought


We seek a candidate to apply for a 4 years doctoral fellowship to carry on in the CIBIO (Vila do Conde, Porto) and CREAF (Bellaterra, Barcelona) within the Doctoral Programme in Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution (BIODIV), funded by the “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia” (Portugal).

Exemplar de savina (Juniperus phoenica) amb fruits. Font: FloraCatalana.net
Phoenician juniper specimen (Juniperus phoenicea) with fruits. Source: FloraCatalana.net

The theme of the thesis is the relationship between genetic diversity and functional responses of plant species (Juniperus phoenicea) at various scales: at the level of plot (1ha in Doñana), locally (Doñana National Park) and regional (geographic gradient in the Iberian peninsula). Functional responses include reproductive success, growth and drought-induced die-off decay. Supervisors will be Cristina Garcia (CIBIO) and Francisco Lloret (CREAF-UAB).

A good academic record is required and any publication, particularly those resulting from Master’s degree is highly valued.

Those interested can contact Francisco Lloret (CREAF) in francisco.lloret@uab.cat. Since the application period ends on June 25, please contact as soon as possible.

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