
Javier Gordillo

Geographer by the University of Valencia (2014) and Master in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2015). I started my career collaborating with the VVSIG network of the MATRIX Foundation in the development of a semi-automatic method to generate geomorphological maps from a Topographic Position Index. I have also participated in several collaborative mapping projects in open source environments, such as OpenStreetmap.

Geographer by the University of Valencia (2014) and Master in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2015). I started my career collaborating with the VVSIG network of the MATRIX Foundation in the development of a semi-automatic method to generate geomorphological maps from a Topographic Position Index. I have also participated in several collaborative mapping projects in open source environments, such as OpenStreetmap. Since the end of 2015 I have been in charge of maintaining databases, digitising and producing cartography for different projects within CREAF, as a technician specialised in GIS and spatial databases.

From 2017 my focus is on mapping work focused on territorial planning: I have worked on the quantification and mapping of biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services across Catalonia and I have participated in the updating and refinement of the Terrestrial Connectivity Index (ICT) of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, in the context of the Urban Master Plan.

I have recently worked on the update of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area Land Cover Map and the development of a green infrastructure mapping support system for the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown region (Ireland), based on SITxell.




Ha participat en:

Project / Initiative

Sant Boi Breathes +Green

Project / Initiative
Contracts and agreements

Mapping support system of the green infrastructure of the Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County (Ireland) based on SITxell

Project / Initiative
Contracts and agreements

Natural status and biodiversity strategy of the Viladecans municipality

Últimes publicacions:

2021 | Journal Article

Andrés Pastor, Pilar;Doblas Miranda, Enrique;Mattana, Stefania;Molowny-Horas, Roberto;Vayreda, Jordi;Guardiola Bufí, Moisès;Pino, Joan;Mayorga Gordillo, Javier Andrés

(en) - A battery of soil and plant indicators of nbs environmental performance in the context of global change,A Battery of Soil and Plant Indicators of NBS Environmental Performance in the Context of Global Change,(ca) - A battery of soil and plant indicators of nbs environmental performance in the context of global change. 1-18

2021 | Journal Article

Casademunt Monfort, Alexandre;Jordana Vidal, Jordi;Lloret Maya, Francisco;Melero Cavero, Yolanda;Nel·lo Colom, Oriol;Pons Fernandez, Xavier;Terradas Serra, Jaume;Germain, Josep;Álvarez, Enrique;Aparicio, Enric;Arús i Gorina, Pere;Basnou, Corina;Blanché, Cèsar;Bonada, Núria;Canals, Puri;Capodiferro, Marco;Carceller, Xavier;Casals Missio, Joan;Casals, Pere;Casañas, Francesc;Catalán, Jordi;Checa Rius, Joan;Cordero, Pedro J.;Corominas, Joaquim,;de Sostoa, Adolf;Espelta Morral, Josep Maria;Estrada Miyares, Marta;Folch, Ramon;Franquesa, Teresa;Garcia-Lozano, Carla;Garí, Mercè;Geli de Ciurana, Anna Maria;González Guerrero, Óscar;Gordillo, Javier;Gosálbez i Noguera, Joaquim;Grimalt, Joan;Guàrdia, Anna;Isern, Rosó;Junqué, Eva;Lascurain, Josep;Lleonart, Jordi;Llorente, Gustavo A.;Lloret, Josep;Mallarach, Josep Maria;Martín Vide, Javier;Medir, Rosa Maria;Montasell, Josep;Montori, Albert;Munné, Antoni;Palazón, Santiago;Palmero-Iniesta, Marina;Parés, Margarita;Pino Vilalta, Joan;Pintó, Josep;Planagumà, Llorenç;Prat, Narcís;Puig i Civera, Carme;Puig Ventosa, Ignasi;Puigdomènech, Pere;Pujol-Buxó, Eudald;Roca Trench, Núria;Jofre, Rodrigo;Rodríguez-Teijeiro, José Domingo;Roig-Munar, Francesc Xavier;Romanyà, Joan;Rovira Castellà, Pere;Sàez, Llorenç;Sauras-Yera, Teresa;Serrat, David;Simó, Joan;Soler, Jordi;Vallejo, Ramon;Vicente, Paloma;Vilaplana, Joan Manuel;Vinyoles, Dolors

(en) - Impacts of Use and abuse of nature in catalonia with proposals for sustainable management,Impacts of Use and Abuse of Nature in Catalonia with Proposals for Sustainable Management,(ca) - Impacts of use and abuse of nature in Catalonia with proposals for sustainable management,(ca) - Impacts of Use and Abuse of Nature in Catalonia with Proposals for Sustainable Management,Impacts of Use and abuse of nature in catalonia with proposals for sustainable management. 1-53

2020 | Journal Article

Palmero-Iniesta, Marina; Espelta, Josep Maria; Gordillo, Javier; Pino, Joan

Changes in forest landscape patterns resulting from recent afforestation in Europe (1990–2012): defragmentation of pre-existing forest versus new patch proliferation,(en) - Changes in forest landscape patterns resulting from recent afforestation in Europe (1990–2012): defragmentation of pre-existing forest versus new patch proliferation. 43-