Senior researcher

Jordi Vayreda Duran

He has been a researcher for CREAF since 1995. He is developing his research in macroecology on the impacts of disturbances and global change in forests (die-off, vulnerability, resilience and biodiversity): demography, carbon balance, growth, mortality and regeneration at large-scale. He has published 12 articles in SCI journals. He has been in charge of the calculation and analysis of information from national forest inventories and the management of these databases.
He has been a researcher for CREAF since 1995. He is developing his research in macroecology on the impacts of disturbances and global change in forests (die-off, vulnerability, resilience and biodiversity): demography, carbon balance, growth, mortality and regeneration at large-scale.
He has published 12 articles in SCI journals. He has been in charge of the calculation and analysis of information from national forest inventories and the management of these databases. He developed software applications to help users to make queries about this information through Internet.
He has participated in several European projects and research projects funded by various ministries and INIA, and in several contracts with the Administration. He has been responsible for several reports commissioned by the Government on the use of forest biomass for energy and the calculation of carbon stocks and carbon balance of Spanish and Catalan forests.

Ha participat en:

Monimed 1
Project / Initiative
European Union Projects

Monitoring Mediterranean climate-smart forestry practices for climate resilience and ecosystem service provision

Bosc amb arbres secs
Eina / Manual
Contractes i convenis

Informe DEBOSCAT 2023

Project / Initiative
National Projects

Sentinels of the Forest

Últimes publicacions:

2023 | Journal Article

Mostiga, Maricel; Armenteras, Dolors; Vayreda, Jordi; Retana, Javier

(en) - Nature's Contributions to People (NCPs) and biodiversity hotspots: a step towards multifunctionality of conservation areas in Peru,Nature's Contributions to People (NCPs) and biodiversity hotspots: a step towards multifunctionality of conservation areas in Peru. 329-339

2023 | Journal Article

Lerink, Bas J.W.; Schelhaas, Mart-Jan; Schreiber, Roland; Aurenhammer, Peter; Kies, Uwe; Vuillermoz, Morgan; Ruch, Philippe; Pupin, Cyrille; Kitching, Andrew; Kerr, Gary; Sing, Louise; Calvert, Amanda; Dhubháin, Áine Ní; Nieuwenhuis, Maarten; Vayreda, Jordi; Reumerman, Patrick; Gustavsonn, Göran; Jakobsson, Rikard; Little, Daragh; Thivolle-Cazat, Alain; Orazio, Christophe; Nabuurs, Gert-Jan

(en) - How much wood can we expect from European forests in the near future?,How much wood can we expect from European forests in the near future?. 434-447

2022 | Journal Article

Funes, Inmaculada; Molowny-Horas, Roberto; Savé, Robert; De Herralde, Felicidad; Aranda, Xavier; Vayreda, Jordi

(en) - Carbon stocks and changes in biomass of Mediterranean woody crops over a six-year period in NE Spain,Carbon stocks and changes in biomass of Mediterranean woody crops over a six-year period in NE Spain. 98-

2021 | Journal Article

Lecina-Diaz, Judit;Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;Alvarez, Albert;Vayreda, Jordi;Retana Alumbreros, Javier

Assessing the Risk of Losing Forest Ecosystem Services Due to Wildfires,(en) - Assessing the Risk of Losing Forest Ecosystem Services Due to Wildfires,(ca) - Assessing the Risk of Losing Forest Ecosystem Services Due to Wildfires. 1687-1701