Meritxell Batalla Mercadé
I have a Master in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (UAB-CREAF, 2010) and I have a degree in Environmental Sciences (UB, 2009).
My experience focuses on database management, the use of GIS tools and geospatial modeling for the analysis of large datasets . I have collaborated in several research projects, mainly related to climate and vegetation modeling, as well as their dissemination through map browsers under OGC standards. I have co-developed the Digital Climatic Atlas of Andorra and the Climatic Digital Atlas of the Pyrenees (PDCA), among others. Here at CREAF I am part of the Environmental Change Ecology Group (GECA), led by Dr. Jordi Catalan, participating as a GIS technician in analysis projects of continental aquatic ecosystems for the ecological understanding of high mountains.