Communication Technician

Nora Soler Pastor

Designer and webmaster at CREAF. Degree in journalism, specialized in User Experience and in love with ecology.

Undergrad in journalism with over 8 years of experience in graphic design. My first contact with the ecology and science world was working with GIZ, the International German Cooperation Agency in Beijing, on a project directly related to National Parks. There I fell in love with graphic design and for the rest of my professional career, I specialized in multimedia design, web layout, and user experience. I have always strived to work in ethical environments. I have been able to collaborate with the United Nations on various interactive projects for the International Labor Organization, the World Health Organization, and UNWomen, among others. I have also worked with the design cooperative, Rice Up, and have participated in the fabric of the Social and Solidarity Economy of the territory.


Ha participat en:

Projecte / Iniciativa
Contractes i convenis

Els pol·linitzadors silvestres a Catalunya : Informe sobre estatus, amenaces i àmbits prioritaris d'actuació per a la seva conservació