And the winner is.... discover the best photo of ClickFaunaiFlora photographic contest
The jury of ClickFaunaiFlora photographic contest decided to award the first prize to photo "Salto de la cabra". Others photos with a frog drinking Martini and a very beautiful sunflower have recived the second and thrid price.

Of the 131 photos submitted to the contest, the jury has decided to award this first edition the following prizes:
1st Prize: with a Samsung Galaxy Camera, to Oriol Sanmartí for "Salto de la cabra." See the photo on iNaturalist.

2nd Prize: a subscription to Quercus Magazine, to Tura for "Dry Ranini?" See the photo on iNaturalist.

3th Prize: a subscription to Quercus Magazine to Molluria for "Girasol." See the photo on iNaturalist.

The jury was composed of the following persons associated CREAF:
Abel Pau: photographer and technician in CREAF; Anna Ramon: communication manager of CREAF; Agustí Escobar: programer and webmaster in CREAF; Bernat Claramunt: principal investigator in CREAF and coordinator of FECYT iNaturalist project; José Luis Ordóñez: biologist and communication officer of CREAF.