01/10/2014 News

And the winner is.... discover the best photo of ClickFaunaiFlora photographic contest

Communication Manager

Anna Ramon Revilla

I hold a degree in Biology (2005) by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and a Master in Scientific and Environmental Communication (2007) by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Since 2011 I

The jury of ClickFaunaiFlora photographic contest decided to award the first prize to photo "Salto de la cabra". Others photos with a frog drinking Martini and a very beautiful sunflower  have recived the second and thrid price. 

Fragment of first prize. Photo: (c) Oriol Sanmartí.
Fragment of first prize. Photo: (c) Oriol Sanmartí.

Of the 131 photos submitted to the contest, the jury has decided to award this first edition the following prizes:

1st Prize: with a  Samsung Galaxy Camera, to Oriol Sanmartí for  "Salto de la cabra." See the photo on iNaturalist.


2nd Prize: a subscription to Quercus Magazine, to Tura for  "Dry Ranini?" See the photo on iNaturalist.


3th Prize: a subscription to Quercus Magazine to Molluria for  "Girasol." See the photo on iNaturalist.


The jury was composed of the following persons associated CREAF:

Abel Pau: photographer and technician in CREAF; Anna Ramon: communication manager of CREAF; Agustí Escobar: programer and webmaster in CREAF; Bernat Claramunt: principal investigator in CREAF and coordinator of  FECYT iNaturalist project; José Luis Ordóñez: biologist and communication officer of CREAF.