
The CREAF begins a European international cooperation project to improve forest management and combat global change in the Mediterranean

Communication Manager

Anna Ramon Revilla

I hold a degree in Biology (2005) by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and a Master in Scientific and Environmental Communication (2007) by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Since 2011 I

Enrique Doblas and Jordi Vayreda, researchers at the CREAF, will begin the MENFRI project (Mediterranean Network of Forestry Research and Innovation) in December, a European forest management project funded by the call FP7 INCO.

El CREAF s’encarregarà de fer una investigació sobre la gestió forestal que es fa a la part nord del Mediterrani
El CREAF s’encarregarà de fer una investigació sobre la gestió forestal que es fa a la part nord del Mediterrani

This is an initiative for the exchange of knowledge and experiences in the Mediterranean forest between different research centers from Spain, Italy, Belgium, Morocco and Tunisia. The countries of the Northern Mediterranean will provide training in regional management through geographic information systems (GIS) and also through business innovation to the countries of the Southern Mediterranean. The South areas have maintained the traditional methods of forest management in the Mediterranean that have been lost in the North over the years, but these traditional methods are still very efficient. This scientific knowledge will be applied using innovative methods of management thanks to the business support with the goal of coping with the effects of global change in the Mediterranean (especially with regards to climate change and land use).

Specifically, the CREAF will conduct research on forest management in the northern part of the Mediterranean.

The Institut National de Recherches in Genie Rural, Eaux et Forets (INGREF) and the Univsersité Hassan II Mohammadia Casablanca (UH2MC) previously conducted the same investigation but in the southern part of the Mediterranean. The Catalan Forest Consortium (CFC) will provide training on making the proper associations and how to obtain maximum profitability. The Warrant Group (WG) is responsible for training on the creation of specialized companies and Aliénor EU will take care of the communication and dissemination of the project both in the public and political European sectors

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