
CREAF joins Catalonia's first Fundraising Council on Research, Development, and Innovation to continue promoting transformative science


On March 13th, the inaugural session of Catalonia's first advisory Fundraising Council on Research, Development, and Innovation took place, welcoming our Philanthropy and Strategic Alliances Coordinator, Alicia Cardona Barreña, appointed as a member by the CERCA Institution. This council gathers prominent figures from Catalonia's R&D+I system with the aim of advising the Department of Research and Universities of the Generalitat on R&D+I fundraising policies. The initiative seeks to foster citizen participation and involvement of economic agents in the realm of research, as well as to open new avenues for engagement and collaboration with the region's excellent science. 

During this initial Council session, many insightful reflections were shared, including those of the Minister of Research and Universities, Joaquim Nadal i Farreras: "Just as research cannot exist without universities, and universities cannot exist without research, it is not feasible to continue building a country based on knowledge without the commitment, participation, and contribution of society as a whole.

Established as the third and final governance body within the framework of the deployment of Catalonia's Science Law, the Council will not only propose updates to the fundraising policies in R&D+I to the Government but will also undertake key functions such as suggesting priority fundraising activities, providing information on tax benefits, creating collaboration agreement guides, ensuring collaboration with other entities, advising on fundraising contributions and requests, facilitating contacts between entities and fundraising, and promoting campaigns to boost fundraising in research, development, and innovation in Catalonia. 

Scientific philanthropy: we aim to restore nature together 

When science collaborates with individuals, foundations, and companies, we can do it faster and with greater impact, together we have a stronger voice to lead change.

How does CREAF already work on all these aspects with the collaboration of society? First, let's provide some context. The eco-social emergency is a reality, and now more than ever, we need territorial policies based on excellent science. At the same time, we need high-quality, rigorous, and reliable scientific research that provides answers and data. The reality is that when science collaborates with individuals, foundations, and companies, we can do it faster and with greater impact; together, we have a stronger voice to lead change. 

Through CREAF's Scientific Philanthropy and Social Fundraising Council Program, we open ourselves to walk alongside anyone who shares our mission and values: Rigor and critical thinking, collaboration and cooperation, commitment, multidisciplinary learning, and, above all, passion. We aim to make scientific research more accessible to society as a whole and together achieve a greater social impact, promoting the professional dissemination of results openly to facilitate free access to scientific knowledge as a tool for social empowerment. 

To ensure this professional support for scientific research in ecology at CREAF, we have established our own ethical code and best practices from the outset, guiding our interactions with private individuals and entities, both in the realms of philanthropy and in other forms of institutional strategic collaboration. Additionally, CREAF actively participates in professional fundraising networks at both the national and regional levels, such as the Spanish Fundraising Association and Association. Through this involvement, we aim to maintain standards of quality, transparency, and traceability in our fundraising activities and strategic alliances. This not only helps ensure integrity in our institutional relationships and collaborations with citizens but also contributes to providing stable support for excellent scientific research and, of course, a contribution to global efforts in nature conservation. 

"We have a significant common social, economic, and environmental challenge ahead, but to effectively address it, we cannot do it alone! Networking and cooperating with the support of committed individuals and entities - agents of change - is how we can truly lead these systemic changes needed to restore the health of our planet and ourselves. Let's go, we're waiting for you!"

ALICIA CARDONA BARREÑA, Philanthropy and strategic alliances coordinator.

Would you like to join the CREAFriends Donors Community? 

If you are interested in supporting and helping us promote our excellent science, we offer you the opportunity to become (you or your organization) a CREAFriend donor, thus becoming part of a growing community of committed collaborating individuals and entities with shared interests aligned with our mission and values. Not only can you contribute financially, but you can also help us amplify the greatest current challenges and solutions by acting as ambassadors of science, joining efforts with the crucial social base for CREAF to achieve a real social impact together

Do you want to know what are the three institutional funds we promote from CREAF's Scientific Philanthropy Program to advance research together? 

Now you can choose where you fit best: 

  • Center of Excellence in Science Fund: support CREAF's mission to advance the frontiers of science and continue establishing and consolidating links between academia, administrations, the private sector, and society. It is an opportunity to participate in promoting the engine of excellent scientific research at the center and its professional dissemination and outreach. 
  • Citizen Science Fund: help drive and energize CREAF's citizen science projects and also promote open and participatory science throughout the scientific process. We want to make citizen participation with direct involvement accessible to all society through scientific volunteer opportunities we offer, such as forest sentinels, butterfly gardens, phenological change detectives, and much more! 
  • Research for Future Forests Fund: contribute directly to research by supporting both young talents and seniors to develop their pioneering projects and studies! With these contributions, you help us scale up and accelerate our science to continue working on improving and consolidating the social impact of applied forest research. We offer you two ways to contribute: on the one hand, research support scholarships, with which you help boost young research talent or consolidate senior talent by co-financing the part required by the pre/postdoctoral scholarship, etc. On the other hand, with basic scientific scholarships, you help boost high-quality research accompanied by a professional and efficient management work environment. 

Through this fund, we want to offer you the opportunity to be an active part of supporting excellent scientific research and effective nature conservation led by CREAF, and that is why we want to do it together with you! 

We invite you to go one step further in your commitment to science and nature! 

Your solidarity now has greater rewards than ever! 

Did you know that your donations not only contribute to promoting science and restoring nature, but we can also offer you tax advantages? That's right, yes! Now they cost you much less thanks to the deductions applied, both in Catalonia at the regional level (individuals) and in Spain (individuals and legal entities). For the management of these collaboration channels, we have a framework agreement of institutional alliance with the Terra Foundation (fiscal partner foundation), through which we also offer you the opportunity to channel your contributions for those interested in greater tax advantage/per agreements through corporate collaboration agreements with entities/other planned collaboration channels. 

"That philanthropy plays an important role in science is already obvious. This new stage of CREAF - in collaboration with the Terra Foundation - opens the doors to philanthropists and fundraisers to participate in scientific discoveries vital for the future of our planet."

CHRISTOPHER CARNIE, Director Terra Foundation.

Thanks to individuals and entities committed to excellent science and the health of our natural environment, together we will build our resilient future with a single planetary health. We count on you! 

Do you have questions, ideas, or suggestions?

No problem! We're here to help! For any inquiries, or if you simply want more information, contact Alicia Cardona - Philanthropy and Alliances Office:  

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