
CREAF is a partner and promoter of the Eurecat Climate Resilience Centre

Communication Manager

Anna Ramon Revilla

I hold a degree in Biology (2005) by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and a Master in Scientific and Environmental Communication (2007) by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Since 2011 I

The main headquarters of the Climate Resilience Centre will be located at Eurecat Amposta, although it will operate throughout the territory and will have a strong international projection. The initiative has been promoted by Eurecat, Amposta City Council and Rovira i Virgili University, and has the support and collaboration of institutions and entities linked to research, such as CREAF.

The aim of the Climate Resilience Centre is to promote the fight against the climate emergency and a firm commitment to the ecological transition in Catalonia, Spain and the Mediterranean basin, based on research, technology and innovation.

The development of the Climate Resilience Centre's activities and investments in laboratories will involve investments of more than 12 million euros over the next 4 years. The centre will use innovative methodologies related to citizen science and will promote, in collaboration with other entities, the generation of new business initiatives that provide technological solutions to combat climate change. It will also promote, together with the Rovira i Virgili University, training activities in the field of climate change, as there is expected to be a growing demand for professionals in these disciplines.

The centre is implemented on a public-private partnership model, with the participation of all the agents of the innovation ecosystem, including citizen participation; in coordination with the public administration, and in full alignment with national and international climate change adaptation policies.

joan pino

Ecological resilience is the capacity of an ecological system to recover its properties after being altered by a disturbance. As ecologists, we hope to contribute all our knowledge and establish cross-cutting and productive collaborations.

JOAN PINO, director of CREAF.

9 promoting partners

The Climate Resilience Centre is promoted by the Government of Catalonia, the Amposta City Council, the Consortium for Environmental Policies of the Ebro Lands (COPATE), CREAF, the Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation, the Business and Climate Foundation, the Ebro Observatory, SEO / BirdLife and the Rovira i Virgili University.

Carlos Ibáñez, director of the Climate Change Area at Eurecat, will assume the scientific direction of the CRC. The centre will work in coordination with research institutions, social and economic agents, the business community and public administrations to join capacities in mitigating and adapting to climate change.

The centre was created in the Ebro Lands, one of the most threatened territories in the Mediterranean, where the impacts of climate change are already a reality, especially in the Ebro delta, with effects on ecosystems, agriculture, fishing, aquaculture and other economic sectors. Carles Ibàñez, scientific director of the CRC.

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