24/08/2018 News

Josep Peñuelas wins a British Ecological Society award


The ecologist will receive the 2018 Marsh Award for Climate Change Research at a prizegiving ceremony in Birmingham in December.

Peñuelas premi Margalef

The CREAF-based CSIC researcher Josep Peñuelas has won the Marsh Award for Climate Change Research, which the British Ecological Society issues each year for an outstanding contribution to the field in question. He follows in the footsteps of Richard Pearson, who won the award in 2017.

The award's winner is chosen on the basis of criteria such as the impact their research has had on knowledge of how climate change influences ecological systems or processes; the excellence of their record of publications in the climate change and ecological research literature; invitations to speak at international conferences; and membership of national and international committees and advisory boards related to climate change.

Peñuelas is to be presented with his award at a ceremony held during the Society’s annual meeting, which will be taking place in Birmingham between 16 and 19 December

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