
New stage of Eklipse, a European mechanism bridging the gap between policy and knowledge on biodiversity


Eklipse is an evidence-based knowledge and learning resource on biodiversity and ecosystem services for decision-makers in the European Union.

Eklipse has developed a robust process when it comes to synthetize knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem services for decision-makers in the European Union. In order to respond to the needs of professionals with political responsibility and other social actors, it launches regular calls for requests, with the aim of facilitating the connection between research and policy in Europe. This is why it maintains close contact with the different Directorates and General Directions in the European Commission. One of its particularities is its innovative approach to the relationship between science, policy and society.

Eklipse has evolved from being a European project to stabilising itself as a self standing mechanism, and maintains a direct relationship with Alternet, the European network of research centres specialising in biodiversity of wich CREAF is a member. Likewise, since the end of 2020, Adriana Clivillé, from CREAF's Communication team, has been responsible for Alternet's communication.

The Eklipse team is composed of experts, mobilized to identify and answer policy relevant questions with the best available knowledge. It also provides active support in creating a responsive network of knowledge holders and aims at improving citizen’s engagement. The evaluations, reports and results obtained through Eklipse have a strong political and social impact, as they respond directly to real needs.

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