19/06/2015 News

Putting mountains on the Horizon 2020 agenda

Bernat Claramunt, member of the core group of the European Mountain Research Advocacy Network (MRI- Europe), is looking for researchers working on global change issues in European mountains. They want to get your feedback to lobby for a stronger representation of mountain research in future Horizon 2020 calls.

Muntanyes per al futur d'Europa: una agenda estratègica de recerca
Muntanyes per al futur d'Europa: una agenda estratègica de recerca

We are writing to you because we depend on your input in our effort to lobby for a stronger representation of mountain research in future Horizon 2020 calls.

Simply put, our objective is to have mountains explicitly mentioned in future calls. For this we need you to indicate where - in the work programmes of specific Societal Challenges or other H2020 sections - your research topic would fit.

Please use the following link to access a brief questionnaire.

Horizon 2020 questionnaire.

Deadline: 25 June

Some background information:

The end product of our effort will be a lobbying effort in Brussels starting in early 2016. The tool for this will be a document entitled “Mountains for Europe’s Future: A strategic research agenda”. A draft will be presented and discussed at the Perth Conference “Mountains of Our Common Future” in October 2015. Your input will be part of the data we use to define the points we make: How can mountain research contribute to solving the societal challenges as defined in Horizon 2020?

The facilitation of this effort is an activity of CH-AT, the Swiss Austrian Alliance for Mountain Research. The consortium active in preparing “Mountains for Europe’s Future” consists of:

Bulent Acma, Dept. of Economics, Andalou University, TK; Bernat Claramunt, CREAF, ES; Thomas Dax, Federal Institute for Mountainous and Less-Favoured Areas, AT; Igor Jelen, Dept. of Geography, University of Trieste, IT; Robert Kanka, Institute of Landscape Ecology, SK; Gaël Le Roux, Ecolab, CNRS; Martin Price, Centre for Mountain Studies, Perth College, UHI, UK; Thomas Scheurer, Swiss Academy of Sciences, CH; Rolf Weingartner, Institute of Geography, University of Bern, CH.

Please read the blog post “Mountains for Europe’s future: Putting mountains on the Horizon 2020 agenda” to get more background information about this project.

More information:

CREAF enters the core group of the European Mountain Research Advocacy Network