Project / Initiative
European Union Projects

Empowering citizens in collaborative environmental compliance assurance via monitoring, reporting and action

Cut out image of soil
Project / Initiative
Projectes nacional

Unraveling the role of soil layers deeper than 30 cm in a changing world

Project / Initiative

Predicting the distributions of above ground water content, water potential, and biomass of the World's forests

Project / Initiative
Projectes Nacionals Cofinançats per la UE

Elementomes and Traits: Investigating the correspondence between elemental composition and functional traits in plants and arthropods

Project / Initiative
Projectes nacional

Tree water use and drought responses: the roles of allometry, water storage and transport under climate change

CREAF visits the European Parliament to advocate the urgent need to manage Mediterranean forests

On 7 November, the European Parliament was the venue for an unprecedented seminar entitled "The need for forest management. The case of Mediterranean forests", organised by Catalan MEP Jordi Solé, vice-president of the Greens/EFA parliamentary group. The seminar opened with a welcome address by Jordi Solé, who presented the critical context of forests in Catalonia. The event was attended by leading figures in the field from various research centres and institutions, including CREAF.

Biodiversitat Climate change Drought Europa Forest Forest management Global change

CREAF and Barraquer are committed to Mediterranean forests and young talent with a research support scholarship

CREAF pre-doctoral researcher Gerard Codina has received the 'Impulsa Barraquer Grant' awarded by the Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre, which will co-finance part of his doctoral thesis and promote his research on the resilience of Mediterranean forests. This is the first grant for forestry research as part of the first call for grants from the Forests of the Future Fund, recently launc

Filantropia Forest Recerca Resiliència Talent jove

Romà Ogaya Inurrigarro

Researcher of the Global Ecology Unit in CREAF-CEAB, full time. Present research area: climate change, mediterranean ecosystems, ecophysiology, and water relations. Languages: catalan, spanish, english, and romanian. Publications: 38 papers SCI
Senior researcher

Javier Retana Alumbreros

I am Professor of Ecology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and researcher at CREAF, an institution of which I was director from 2005 to 2019. My research is focused on forest dynamics and the effects