Mosquito Alert confirms five-year high in spring tiger mosquito numbers in 2020

The number of tiger mosquito sightings reported via the Mosquito Alert app in the first half of 2020 is 70% higher than in 2018, which was, until now, the year with the most early-season sightings of the insect. However, 2015 still holds the record for the greatest number of tiger mosquito sightings over a full season.

Mosquito alert @en Tiger mosquito

CREAF participates in a European report to restore biodiversity and ecosystem services

The report has been prepared by an EKLIPSE expert working group, including researcher Pilar Andrés, and presentates a serie of key points at the scientific, political and social levels to improve the restoration of ecosystems. These results were included in the 2019 IPBES soil degradation conference.

Ecological restoration Eklipse @en Pilar andrés @en

CREAF, new member of the Society for Ecological Restoration

Since mid-2020 CREAF has been a member of the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER), a global association of research, professionals and community leaders from Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, New Zealand and North and South America, which is actively involved in the ecological recovery of degraded ecosystems, using a wide range of experience and knowledge.

Angela ribas @en Ecotoxicology Guille peguero @en Josep m espelta @en Josep peñuelas @en Nutrient cycles Pilar andrés @en Restoration of degraded land Santi sabater @en Society for ecological restoration @en Soil ecology Soil function and restoration Soil quality Vicenç carabassa @en Xavier domene @en

Half of all cropland could be returned to nature with no fall in production

Half of the world’s cropland could be used for other purposes if agricultural efficiency were improved through high-yield farming. That would mean making 576 million hectares of land available, more than 10 times the area of Spain (approximately 50 million hectares).

Agricultural efficiency Cropland efficiency High-yield farming Imbalance-p @en International institute for applied systems analysis Josep peñuelas @en Nature sustainability @en

Why not hold more classes outdoors?

The European project Clearing House has today launched a survey of primary and secondary school teachers throughout Catalonia to discover whether or not they hold classes outdoors, what they feel the drawbacks or obstacles to doing so are, and in what subject areas they bring up urban green spaces.

Clearing house Clearing_house @en Corina basnou @en Nature forest solutions @en Nature-based solutions @en Urban biodiversity Urban forests